Responding to the Resurrection

How do we respond to the offer of new life given through the Resurrection of Jesus? For ages Christians have used the language of “turning” to talk about putting our faith in Christ. To receive the new life he offers, we need to turn our backs on all the sources of temptation and set out hearts on Christ. This is what we mean by the word “Repentance.”

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Our Rescuer

2020-04-05 – Year A – Palm SundayMatthew 21:1-11; Philippians 2:5-11; Psalm 22:1-11; Matthew 27:1-54 Today we are confronted with two stories that don’t seem to make sense together.  The triumphal…

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Panic or Prudence

P2020-03-14 – Year A – Lent 3 – The Rev. Christopher M. KlukasPsalm 91; 1 Kings 8:22-23, 37-40; 1 John 4:7-21(Lessons are not from the lectionary so as to respond…

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Agape Year Visits Good Samaritan

Agape Year is a 9-month program (September to May) for recent high school graduates who seek to grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus Christ while engaging in His mission for the lost, the poor, and the uninvited both locally and globally. On March 8, Nathan Twichell, co-Director of Agape Year, visited Good Samaritan Anglican Church with two Agape Year Fellows to share about what God has been doing in their lives, both in Pittsburgh as well as in Thailand.

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A Tale of Two Mountains

Epiphany “a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something” or “an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being.” The Transfiguration reveals, yet again the fullness of who Jesus really is, and it points the way towards what he came to do. The readings this morning show us two very different but connected encounters with God on mountain tops and they show us what these two things mean for our lives.

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Participating in the Mission of God

God is a missionary God. All mission is first and foremost God’s mission (or Missio Dei in Latin). We see this in Matthew 9:35 where Jesus, God himself, goes on mission. God invites us to participate in his mission reconcile the world to himself through prayer, sending, and going.

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Why do Good?

In the fifth chapter of Matthew, Jesus explains to his followers how he wants them (and now us) to behave in the world by using two metaphors: salt and light. He is indicating that we should be people who do good in the world. Many of us have taken this to heart and try to do good things as we are able to, but have you ever considered why we do good things? The whys (motives) behind our good deeds are just as important as the whats (our actual good actions). I can think of four basic motives, some good, some not.

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The Feast of the Presentation

The Presentation of the Lord or Candlemas is meant to be a time for us to present ourselves to the Lord. As the month of January has ended I am sure many of your New Year’s resolutions may have ended as well. Perhaps that is okay and perhaps God has a different plan for you this year.
What would it look like for you to present yourself as you are right now to the Lord?

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