Doubt and Faith

The Greek word for “faith” (pisteuo, pistis) also means believe, trust, and obey. Sometimes we think of faith as an acknowledgement of a historical fact (like the Resurrection) but it has more to do with how you live your life trusting in that fact. What difference does your belief make in your life? What difference did it make in the lives of the Apostles?

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Easter: Dashed Hope Becomes Victory

We talk a lot, as Christians, about the cross and how Jesus died for our sins. This is entirely true, and we should talk about it! But Good Friday without Easter is meaningless. The Resurrection is God’s seal of approval of Jesus’ work on the cross. It is proof that Jesus’ death was not in vain. It was, in fact, a victory, not a failure! The resurrection is the means by which Jesus defeats death forever. There is no resurrection without the crucifixion, and the crucifixion is meaningless without the resurrection. The two go hand in hand. This is why Easter is the most important celebration of the Christian year! It is our defining moment. The event that changes everything and makes us who we are.

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Good Friday

This is the amazing grace that we sing about: that Jesus, the only one ever without the stain of sin, offered himself as a sacrifice for all, that we might be saved and reconciled to God. Today we thank him for this amazing grace. And we accept, once again the gift that he gives us.

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The Rebel King

To a first-century Jew, everything Jesus said and did looked as if he were building a movement to fight the Romans and take his place on the throne of Israel. Could this be the Messiah, the Son of David? Jesus was and is a king, but his kingdom is a different sort of kingdom, the battle he was preparing for was a different kind of battle, and the enemy he was preparing to fight was not the one everyone thought he would fight. On Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the beginning of Holy Week, the beginning of Jesus’ battle against sin and death.

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Pursuing Christ

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians we hear of pursing Christ. Have you even had to learn a new skill? If you struggled and persisted in learning something new joy truly comes from gaining understanding and capability. Paul encourages us to strain towards Christ seeking him. We will never truly arrive on this side of the cross but instead experience a life of growing and changing in our love of the Lord. Press towards Christ seeking him and He will be found.

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Twelve Stones of Remembrance

God held back the water of the river Jordan so that the people of Israel could cross on dry ground as they made their way into the land of Canaan. As they crossed, God instructed them to pick up twelve large stones from the river bed, and Joshua arranged them in a pile on the other side. These stones were to remain there as a testimony, a reminder of the faithfulness of God and a mechanism for passing the faith down to through the generations. When we look back on the stories of God’s faithfulness, both in our own lives, and in the history of God’s people, it helps us to face the obstacles that are yet to come.

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The God who IS

2019-03-24 – Year C – Lent 3 – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Exodus 3:1-15; Psalm 103:1-12; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-17 A Promise Fulfilled A burning bush, a shepherd,…

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Waiting on God’s Promises

How are we to know that God’s promises will come true? This was a question Abraham asked of God, and it is a common question today. Abraham looked to the past faithfulness of God and the covenant that God made with him. We can look to these same things, and when we do, it will help us to wait patiently.

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Struggling Against Temptation

Sometimes being a Christian can be a hard thing. The struggle against temptation is real, and it can feel like a heavy burden. How can we prevail in the face of temptation? We can follow the example of Jesus who was “tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.”

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The Reset Button

If you know anything about computers, you will know that they break. Often the fix is simply to push the reset button. Our lives are similar in that they quickly become corrupted by sin. Thankfully we have a God who is loving and merciful. When we come to him in repentance, he pushes the reset button and restores us.

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