The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd longs to see your face before him, it doesn’t matter your age, gender, or where you are in your journey with Him. Jesus longs to see you turn your eyes to him. The scriptures say that Jesus delights in seeing us come to Him. Today is Good Shepherd Sunday in which we turn our hearts and minds to the love of Jesus and how he wants to bless us and care for us.

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Peter, Do You Love Me?

Have you ever had a conflict with someone or felt ashamed because you sinned against them? What is it like the first time you see them again? This is now Peter’s third time seeing Jesus after the resurrection, but also after his three denials.

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A Loving Father

The message of the Gospel is first and foremost a message of radical undeserved love. We can not draw people to Jesus with anything but the radical love of a good Father for a broken and errant son or daughter. Walking with Jesus this week can be a time of close examination of your own heart and own life. I encourage you to come to the services, carve out time in your life to come to church often. This week is one of the holiest weeks because we get to be in church over and over and we get to encounter the living God and watch him work in our lives.

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The True Source of Righteousness

When I was in high school, I found a key to the school elevator on the floor one afternoon. I should have returned it, but I didn’t. However, I was careful about when I used it and for what purpose lest someone stop me and ask who it was that gave me permission. Just before the parable of the wicked tenants, some scribes and chief priests approach Jesus with a similar question.

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For the Love of the Father

If you have fallen in love with Jesus then you should be changed. You should not be the same person you were when you found the Lord. As time moves by in our lives we are supposed to be seeking out ways of drawing closer to God, sitting quietly with Him waiting to hear what He wants to do with our lives. Lent is this precious time in the year when we are given many weeks to hear the Lord in our lives. Maybe it is your anger the Lord wants to address, maybe your obsessive checking of your phone, or maybe your cross, judgmental attitudes towards others is what the Lord wants to address

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If everything in the Bible was rendered into a movie in a literal way, it would not be rated PG! Remember that the stories written in the Bible are both examples of WHAT to do as well as examples of WHAT NOT to do. The stories in the Bible weren’t written down for the people who experienced them. They were written for you…for us…for our instruction.

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Can We Trust the Promises of God?

Today’s passage from the Hebrew Bible underscores questions that are critical for our Christian life. Can I trust the promises of God? How reliable are the promises of God? How central are the promises of God to my daily life? How do the promises of God shape my identity? How do God’s promises relate to my safety? This passage from Genesis is one of the great turning points in the Biblical story, but it also raises issues that are a turning point for your own personal story as well.

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The Approaching Disaster

Joel 2:1 is, as one commentator says, “the ancient equivalent of the modern air raid siren.” In the verses that follow we see the coming army of “a great and powerful people” (v. 2). And we see the people of Israel fleeing for safety (v. 3). As we read these verse today, I can’t help but think of what is going on in Ukraine.

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Making You to Shine

We cannot truly understand Jesus without understanding his crucifixion. The glory of Jesus that was revealed on the mount of transfiguration only fully makes sense in light of his death, resurrection, and ascension. Through these mighty events, Jesus saves us and he begins to transform us.

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