Finding Rest in Jesus

It can be hard to truly rest. There are so many things in life that we feel we need to strive for. Many even strive to be righteous before God, but all who try have failed. Jesus promises another way, a way of rest.

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Suffering for the Name

As Christians, we have chosen to follow one who was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief…” (Isaiah 53:3). Jesus clashed with the authorities of his day, and he eventually died because of it. If Jesus suffered, should we be surprised when we suffer? Today we will look at the reality of the persecuted church around the world.

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The Strong Name of the Trinity

As we look at the doctrine of the Trinity, both in the Scriptures and in theology, we can say simply that we worship One God in three Persons. We can’t really explain exactly how this is possible, and it bends our brains trying to figure it out. What we can do is respond to the Trinity in three important ways: comfort, awe, and praise.

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Every Race and Nation

On the day of Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples were waiting in an upper room as Jesus had instructed them to do. Suddenly, the sound of a mighty rushing wind blew through the room and the Holy Spirit descended on each of the disciples in tongues of flame. Immediately they were able to preach the Gospel to people of every race and nation using languages they had never learned, and a fire for the mission of the church was lit that still burns today. And yet, there is still so much sin in the world, so much brokenness and hatred, so much division, so many who have yet to hear and respond to the Gospel. The Lord needs workers for his harvest. Where is the Holy Spirit sending you?

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The Way of Life

The idea that there is only one way to God is not a very popular one today. Some might say it is too exclusive and that it seems conceited to claim that one religion is better than another. On the other hand, you could see it as inclusive. The way of life is open to all of us but we must make a choice which way we want to go. Jesus made it clear that there weren’t any other options.

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The Comfort of the Good Shepherd

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday! When we think about shepherds, the image that comes to mind is one of guidance, provision, and protection. We can take deep comfort in knowing that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is watching over us and protecting us. No real shepherd would lay down his life for sheep. He would do everything he could to protect them, but he wouldn’t actually lay down his life for them. Jesus goes above and beyond the call of duty. He is the perfect shepherd, far better than any human shepherd could be. He laid down his life for each one of us to rescue us.

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Hope for the Hopeless

Situations that seem bleak are often just around the corner from the glory of God. As two disciples walk along the road to Emmaus, they had heard rumors of the Resurrection, but they weren’t convinced and they felt confused and hopeless. Jesus reveals himself through the Scriptures and the breaking of bread to open their eyes to his glory. In the midst of our hopelessness, we can trust that God will never leave us or forsake us.

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Believing Without Seeing

It is a part of our human nature to desire tangible assurances. In the Old Testament the work of God is often accompanied by signs. Similarly, throughout the ministry of Jesus people frequently asked for signs. God knows this about us, and he is often gracious enough to give them. But how can we believe when we can’t see?

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Responding to the Resurrection

How do we respond to the offer of new life given through the Resurrection of Jesus? For ages Christians have used the language of “turning” to talk about putting our faith in Christ. To receive the new life he offers, we need to turn our backs on all the sources of temptation and set out hearts on Christ. This is what we mean by the word “Repentance.”

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