Storming Heaven

Abraham petitioned the Lord over and over again for the innocent. He relented only after asking the God of the heavens and earth for each of the people. Abraham shows us a way to pray, petitioning God for the concerns of our heart. When people suffer, make bad choices, need help, and experience scary circumstances we need to storm heaven for them. Not assuming that we know the right answer for their life but rather asking God to care for them, provide for them, and have his way in their life. God’s vision is so much clearer and wider than ours. We see life in a limited manner however God can see it all.

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The Second Sunday After Pentecost

Sometimes asking someone, “Who do you say that I am?” can be a rather risky chance. Someone might say something hurtful or unkind. Someone might answer in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Someone might say something true that you do not want to be spoken out loud. Asking someone what people think of you opens up all kinds of possibilities. In the 9th chapter of Luke, Jesus is being vulnerable with his disciples and showing them the way to interact in the world.

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Good Shepherd Sunday

On Good Shepherd Sunday, we remember how Jesus loves us and desires to guide us in our lives. Sometimes though life becomes difficult and we desire to handle it ourselves. How often do you decide how Jesus should heal you or present himself to you? How often do you decide that He is not working fast enough or in the way you would like? If you are not daily listening to Jesus then you will not be able to hear his voice in times of crisis. Listening for a still small voice is the only way you are going to hear. Jesus desires for you to hear his voice. Jesus desires to be your shepherd; a godly, kind, and good shepherd. His ways are so very good. May you know his guiding and leading in your life!

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Pursuing Christ

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians we hear of pursing Christ. Have you even had to learn a new skill? If you struggled and persisted in learning something new joy truly comes from gaining understanding and capability. Paul encourages us to strain towards Christ seeking him. We will never truly arrive on this side of the cross but instead experience a life of growing and changing in our love of the Lord. Press towards Christ seeking him and He will be found.

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Christ The King Sunday

What does it mean for Jesus to be King of kings and Lord of lords? How do we allow Jesus to reign in our lives. In this sermon we will explore how Jesus uses his sovereignty in humility.

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Advent 4

Advent 3 Please pray with me. Lord, help us to repent turn ourselves to you and to prepare our hearts for your coming again. Help us also to rejoice in…

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