Psalm 19:7 says that “The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.” What more needs to be said? Just, obey the Ten Commandments and life will be better! And yet, even the author of Psalm 19 admits to not keeping these commandments (v. 12). Knowing the right thing to do is not the same thing as doing it! The commandments are an opportunity to examine yourself.
View SermonRomans
Listening to the Lord
This past year or so has felt much like a long season of Lent. For many of us we have given up so many experiences, times with family and friends, activities we used to enjoy, or even just feeling like things are normal. It can be very tempting to focus on everything that is different and yet Fr. Chris and I truly feel like it is an invitation for all of us to draw closer to the living God who wants to speak to each of you and to provide a way for you. Abraham was faithful to God and God provided a way out of His situation. God provided a sacrificial ram that would take the place of Isaac.
View SermonWake Up!
Your car may not have an autopilot mode, but I bet you have had the experience of intending to go to a particular destination, getting lost in a conversation, and taking wrong turns because of it! Similarly, sometimes we move through life as if we have an autopilot for our lives. We can pick up sin in our lives without even realizing it. This is what happens when we are in autopilot mode. It is as if we are sleeping. We move passively through life, uncritically accepting patterns of speech, behaviors, and concepts from our culture. In Romans 13:11 Saint Paul tells us that it is time to wake up!
View SermonEaster: Dashed Hope Becomes Victory
We talk a lot, as Christians, about the cross and how Jesus died for our sins. This is entirely true, and we should talk about it! But Good Friday without Easter is meaningless. The Resurrection is God’s seal of approval of Jesus’ work on the cross. It is proof that Jesus’ death was not in vain. It was, in fact, a victory, not a failure! The resurrection is the means by which Jesus defeats death forever. There is no resurrection without the crucifixion, and the crucifixion is meaningless without the resurrection. The two go hand in hand. This is why Easter is the most important celebration of the Christian year! It is our defining moment. The event that changes everything and makes us who we are.
View SermonI am a Missionary
In his last words to his disciples before ascending into Heaven, Jesus commissioned his disciples to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. This remains the mission of the Church today, and we are all called to participate in it. We do this in two primary ways. The first is raising our children and grandchildren in the faith, passing the Gospel from one generation to the next. The other way is through reaching out to people who don’t know Jesus and inviting them to come into his kingdom.
View SermonFor All the Saints
In the scriptures, the word which we translate as “saint” means “holy one.” We tend to think about the saints as the heroes of our faith, people who have lived exceptional lives of holiness and service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and they are! But the Bible also uses the word “saint” to describe every believer, all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. We may not be perfectly holy yet, but we are becoming holy day by day as we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
View SermonYou Belong Here
Some of our basic human needs (once you get past things like food, clothing, and shelter) are things like community, purpose, and hope. All of us long for these things, and the Church, along with our Christian faith, can meet these needs like nothing else. Listen to find out how!
View SermonMade for Community
Made for Community 2018-05-26 – Year B – Trinity Sunday – The Rev. Christopher Klukas Exodus 3:1–6; Psalm 93; Romans 8:12–17; John 3:1–16 Three persons, one God The…
View SermonThe God Who Pursues Us
The God who Pursues Us 2018-04-01 – Year B – Easter Sunday – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Christians…
View SermonIncline our Hearts to Keep Your Commandments
Incline our Hearts to Keep Your Commandments 2018-03-03 – Year B – Lent 3 – The Rev. Christopher Klukas Exodus 20:1–21; Psalm 19:7–14; Romans 7:12–25; John 2:13–22 The Ten…
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