I’m New
What to Expect
Good Samaritan Anglican Church is a warm and friendly congregation. We would love to have you join us for worship any Sunday. If you have any questions or needs while you are here, just ask someone and they will be more than happy to assist you. Some answers to common questions are below.
Our Worship Service
9:30am – A service with a blend of hymns and contemporary songs led by a piano. We follow the Anglican liturgy for Holy Communion, beginning with readings from scripture and a sermon, then prayers, and finally communion.
Should I bring money for an offering?
The Ministry of Good Samaritan Anglican Church is funded by the tithes and offerings of our members. If you would like to make a contribution, you may, but please don’t feel obligated to do so.
May I receive Communion
All Baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion with us at Good Samaritan. If you would like to receive, please come forward to the altar rail when directed by the ushers. If for any reason you are not receiving communion, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Please cross your arms over your chest if this is your preference.
What should I Wear?
Most people at Good Samaritan wear dressy casual clothes for Sunday worship, but you will find some in jeans or shorts and others dressed up. Please wear something that makes you feel comfortable. God is far more interested in our hearts than our wardrobe. We’re just honored and humbled that you’ve chosen to worship God with us!
A Word to Parents of Children
We delight to have children and families join us for worship, and we want you to know that children are always welcome to stay with their parents throughout the whole of the worship service. However, we do have a Children’s Ministry ready to care for and teach your children about the Love of God in Jesus on their level. The Children will be dismissed following the announcements and return at the Peace. The Children’s Ministry Room in Located across the breezeway in Hunt Hall. If it is needed a Nursery is located beside the Women’s restroom.